"Your Full Moon Magic book and gorgeous cards are a new and needed addition to the spiritual journey of souls. The text of the book is clear and easy to understand and the cards give testimony to the importance of the full moon time. With your book and cards, people can create their own rituals for the full moon and participate alone or with a group. You have captured a message for this time from the higher worlds."
- Barbara Everett
“When rhythmically aligned with the cycles of the moon, meditation profoundly affects one’s personal life, and also has an uplifting influence upon humanity as a whole. The meditations found in Full Moon Magic are wisely designed and beautifully presented. They offer individuals, and groups, a well-structured program for monthly full-moon meditations, as well as a deep and meaningful understanding of the transformational energies available through each of the signs of the zodiac. I therefore highly recommend this book to anyone committed to using meditation as a tool for walking the spiritual path.”
- William Meader
“One of the most powerful gifts we can give to our world is to be a presence that links the inspiring and healing domains of spirit with the realm of humanity. While there are many ways to do this, few are clearly outlined or as filled with loving intent and goodwill as the Full Moon meditations inaugurated by Alice Bailey. In this book, Karen Johannsen beautifully explains this ritual in ways that make it accessible to anyone, allowing those who wish to join in partnership with spirit in bringing needed blessings to our world.”
- David Spangler
Author of Apprenticed to Spirit and Subtle Worlds
"I am very enthusiastic about the value of Karen Johannsen’s new book, Full Moon Magic, accompanied by a beautiful set of astrological cards to be used on each of the five days of the Full Moon Process every month. The time of the Full Moon, when solar energies are uniquely available for spiritual use, is a time of tremendous importance for those who wish to help humanity move forward on the Spiritual Path and become more sensitive to the zodiacal, planetary and ray energies then available. But many may have wondered, “How do I take full advantage of those spiritually important five days?” Well, Karen Johannsen has an excellent answer—clear, inspiring and powerfully evocative of the subtle energies needed to uplift humanity at each Full Moon Opportunity. The cards are symbolically colorful and illuminating, filled with useful information in an essentialized form; the invocations are uplifting; the meditations are clear and effective; and the mantrams (some by Master Djwhal Khul and others written by Karen) are inspirational. And, in the later chapters of Full Moon Magic, you receive a condensed but potent course in the essentials of esoteric astrology and the seven rays as well! This is a dynamite package to elevate your spiritual approach to the great Sources of Light, Love and Power at the time of the Full Moon. Read the book! Enjoy the power and beauty of the cards! By using these cards at each Full Moon, you will find yourself closer to your spiritual goal!"
- Michael D. Robbins, Ph.D.
President, University of the Seven Rays & Director, The Morya Federation of Esoteric Schools
“In her book Full Moon Magic and accompanying Cards, Karen Johannsen offers practical esoteric information about meditative practices at the time of the full moon. The beauty of both the Book and Cards is an inviting and easy way to work with the heightened spiritual energies over a five-day period each month and use them for personal and planetary transformation. Karen shares her creativity in doing this and invites yours."
- Olivia Hansen
President, The Spiritual Life TV Channel​
“This lovely book is part of my esoteric library. When I first purchased it, I found it provided the tools needed to lead a 45-minute full moon meditation with my friends. Full Moon Magic also makes a great gift for my family members and friends that have an interest. Nicely written and a great resource.”
- Barb M.
“I’ve used this book for a couple years now and have started my own full moon meditation in my own community. It provides beautiful imagery and detail for each constellation, plus many other valuable tips.”
- Carol Merrifield
“A must have go-to book for new students and lovers of esoteric philosophy. I’ve used this book for a couple years now and have started my own full moon meditation in my own community. It provides beautiful imagery and detail for each constellation, plus many other valuable tips. “Karen Johannsen your wonderful book 'Full Moon Magic'; is *exactly* what the Divine Doctor has ordered for me at this time. Thank you for writing it - I really needed this book's uncomplicated guidance to help keep me as available, as engaged, and as *awake* as I can be in the One Work. Every 5 days of the full moon from now on beginning with the Libra full moon today, yay I will consciously join with the group soul in meditation, mantrams, and love, from Aliceprings Central Australia.”
- Amma Bigg, Australia
“I have experienced wonderful moments of world’s blessings with the Cards I got from you and have no words to convey my gratitude. It brought /opened - to/in - my consciousness a new window and a brighter prospect about Service Rendering . Since I met her at the 2013 Conference in Mesa – I have established a monthly Full Moon meditation ritual, here at home in Switzerland, according to her Book and am enormously profiting from her synthetic and wonderful Zodiacal Signs Cards.”
- Mirna Derungs, Switzerland